Submit ASE Poster (2022)


My college, the University of Minnesota Duluth, puts on a Student Exhibition every spring for the Art and Design students. The design challenge was to create a poster to encourage Art and Design students to submit their works from this year to the exhibition. I was given free reign on the design direction, so I decided that I wanted to do something spooky and based my poster on a Ouija board. I needed to make sure that it would be recognizable as a Ouija board but still convey all the necessary information about artwork submissions. On a standard Ouija board, the top corners have the words ‘yes’ and ‘no’, but for this poster, I decided that no shouldn’t be an option for submissions. I also wanted to highlight one of the yeses with a planchette, a Ouija board staple. Standard Ouija boards also have a curved alphabet in the center of the board, and I mimicked that with the word ‘submit’ on the poster.

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